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Thursday 8 September 2016

Definition of Independence Day

Independence day or in Malay 'Hari Merdeka' is refer to the day when the Federation of Malaya's independence from the British Empire was officially declared. Malaysian celebrate Independence day on 31st of August every year. This year is 59 years of Independence day. The theme for this year is 'Sehati Sejiwa'.
   Definition of Independence day for me is we are free to work, worth living, and most important is get a quality education because with a good education then we can actualize as a nation of Malaysia in this global era. I hope Malaysia will increase prosperous and as a next generation, I want to appreciate what we got now.
   In addition, our independence would strengthen the relationship between the various races in Malaysia. We need to cooperate and work together to achieve mutual prosperity and justice in the country of Malaysia.
  Furthermore, we are freedom to think, speak, vote, and do things that you like as long as it does not violate the rules and the law. As a student, I also have my own opinion to speak about what I like and dislike. So, it may have a comments from the others who is know more information.
  As a conclusion, remember it not easy to bring an independence to our country. Many people have risked their lives first. We are staying shall inherit it wisely so that independence will continue to be raised.
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