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Thursday 8 September 2016

Definition of Independence Day

Independence day or in Malay 'Hari Merdeka' is refer to the day when the Federation of Malaya's independence from the British Empire was officially declared. Malaysian celebrate Independence day on 31st of August every year. This year is 59 years of Independence day. The theme for this year is 'Sehati Sejiwa'.
   Definition of Independence day for me is we are free to work, worth living, and most important is get a quality education because with a good education then we can actualize as a nation of Malaysia in this global era. I hope Malaysia will increase prosperous and as a next generation, I want to appreciate what we got now.
   In addition, our independence would strengthen the relationship between the various races in Malaysia. We need to cooperate and work together to achieve mutual prosperity and justice in the country of Malaysia.
  Furthermore, we are freedom to think, speak, vote, and do things that you like as long as it does not violate the rules and the law. As a student, I also have my own opinion to speak about what I like and dislike. So, it may have a comments from the others who is know more information.
  As a conclusion, remember it not easy to bring an independence to our country. Many people have risked their lives first. We are staying shall inherit it wisely so that independence will continue to be raised.
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Image result for erti kemerdekaan bagi saya

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Sunday 28 August 2016

Importance of Mastering Second Language

   What is second language ? Second language is other foreign language that we know such as English language, Mandarin language, Tamil language, Spanish and so on. So, we can learn all the language that we want to improve our communication skills.
   The importance of mastering second language is to develop communication skills between other people around the world. Sometimes, we were going to other country to visit the places and the second language will help us to communicate with them.
   Next, it easy to apply job if we can use second language. Some work need us to communicate with other person from another country. But, it hard to people who only know one language.
   Other than that, it can develop self-esteem after facing a problem. If we got a problem about communication in another country, second language will help us to cover our problem. 
   That's how second language are very useful to us. So let we learn more than one language to cover up our communication skills.

Friday 19 August 2016

Inspiration Movie or Song

   Assalamualaikum. For this week post, I prefer to choose a 'Inspiration Song' as my title because I like to hear and enjoy any song. There are song that can bring a big inspiration in my life. 
   The song that bring a big inspiration in my life is I Promise by Harris J. This song is about loving between parents and family.

 I promise anytime you call me
 It don’t matter where I am I’ll always be there,
 like you’ve been there If you need me closer,
 I’ll be right over I swear, I swear

 Everytime that I need you by my side
 Everytime I lose my way in life
 You’re my circle of life, compass and guide
 There behind me
 And one day when the tables finally turn
 And it’s me you’re depending on
 I’ll put you first, hold you close
 Like you taught me
 Know that I’ll be there for you, for you

 I promise anytime you call me
 It don’t matter where I am I’ll always be there,
 like you’ve been there If you need me closer,
 I’ll be right over I swear, I swear
 I promise anytime you call me
 It don’t matter where I am
 I’ll always care for you, go anywhere for you
 If you need me closer,
 I’ll be right over I swear, ooh

(Verse 2)
 There are days when I just don’t want to talk
 And your feelings hit a wall
 But that won’t change
 The love you’ve raised inside this family
 Everything that I do is to make you proud
 I just want to say it, and say it loud
 You’re my heat when I’m cold
 The place I call home, and always will be 
Know that I’ll be there for you, for you

 Having someone to go to
 Having someone to love
 Having both is a blessing
 That was sent from above
 Oh, I know that wherever
 I’ll go You’ll be forever in my heart

   This is the lyric for the song which is the intro tells about the promise that always be beside my family when they need me.
   The verse is tell about when I need someone or I'm get down my parents and family will always be by my side and guide and support me until I get up. Then, it same when my family get down and need me, I always support them and be there like what they taught me before.
   The chorus tells about whatever happen I always be here to support my family and that my promise. I also promise that I will always care and go anywhere for my parents and family.
   The second verse is about when I don't want to talk, my mother will feel sad but it nothing can change the love between our family. I want they to know whatever I do is to make them proud of me. My family is everything to me. Wherever I go I will always go back to my family.
   The bridge for this song give meaning to me that I have my parents and family to love and both of them was a blessing to me that was sent from Allah. Lastly, wherever I go they will always forever in my heart.
   That is how this song bring inspiration to my life. I enjoyed and loved this song very much. 

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Favourite Activities Among Teenagers

  We are teenagers . We always want to enjoy our life with something that can make us happier. But sometimes it can waste our time.
   Based from the title this week, the favourite activities among teenagers is social networking. What is social networking ? Social networking is the use of dedicated websites and aplications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Wechat and so on. Teenagers like to make friends through social network. This activity can improve their relationship between each other, but if they make a wrong decision in making friends they will get in trouble. 

   Next, the favourite activities among teenagers is enjoy shopping. Teenager like to go shopping because they can release their tension and always up to date with nowaday's fashion. Then, they also can spend time with their friends. They will make their day happily without thinking about their problems. The disadvantages is they will waste their time and money.

   That's all for this week title 'Favourite activities among teenagers'. Teenagers love to do something that exciting, happying, and enjoying. But, we must know if all that have a advantages and disadvantages . So be careful with what you like to do!

Thursday 4 August 2016

First Week in KPTM Bangi

     My life begin without anyone here. But, I know I will make a new friends here. The first person that I knew is my roommates. They are very cheerful and friendly. Eventhought we are from another places but we now are close. Then, I know a few friends during the orientation day. Most of them are so friendly and not overbearing. When I got a class which is section 13, I met more friends. My classmates who are shy at the first, finally can adapt with the new situation. Now, I fell very happy with my new friends. I hope that we can continue our friendship until the end of our semester.